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The regularity and scale of data breaches are increasing across all industries. Leaders across all areas of the business are becoming more focused on better management and protection of IT systems and data than ever before.

Simply, “checking the box” on compliance issues will not prevent legal or financial impact companies in this new consumer informed environment. Proactive measures and clear and concise policies along with proper staff training will minimize any compliance exposure. An approach that focuses on three core concepts - identifying and securing a company’s most valuable assets, continuous monitoring, and a structured, fast response to a breach - provide the clarity to move forward confidently.

Leveraging industry best practices, Norm Medlock Enterprises provides expert-level data security and privacy management solutions to all companies large and small. Norm Medlock Enterprises risk-based approach is comprehensive and focuses on creating a secure environment first. Our privacy management professionals will work with you to face the future with confidence.


1+ 704-534-7195